Lyndhurst Community Centre is operated by Lyndhurst and District Community Association, an independent charity (Charity number 301883). Although we have received generous support from public funds for a number of projects, our operational costs are funded solely from income received from hiring of meeting rooms at the Centre or from our fund raising events and membership subscriptions.
The Community Association has a board of 10 trustees, all of whom also actively work as volunteers at the Centre, and a team of 5 part time or full time staff who administer and maintain the Centre.
We also benefit from the support of our many volunteers who help staff our reception desk, provide catering for events, building maintenance and delivery of our popular ‘What’s On’ monthly magazine.
We aim to provide a well presented, welcoming facility for the benefit of all sectors of the local community, both by renting out rooms and by running our own events. Please take a look at the range of activities in our events page, in our What’s On magazine, or you can drop in during opening hours or call the Centre office on 023 80282267.